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fastdesign.io Software

Design restorations, prescribe cases through the lab and contact on-demand support from a single interface.

Design with Ease

The intuitive fastdesign.io Software is programmed for ease of use. The design process is divided into simple-to-follow stages, allowing you to finalize one element of the restoration and proceed to the next step with certainty.

Enhance Your Results with Artificial Intelligence

The fastdesign.io Software auto-generates restoration design proposals utilizing artificial intelligence, sifting through Glidewell Dental’s extensive digital restoration database and selecting the morphological components ideal for your patient. In seconds, a 3-D restoration is ready for your approval — no more designing from scratch. These intelligent proposals are typically so precise that the clinician need only make the most minimal of adjustments.

Choose Your Workflow

Engineered for flexibility, the fastdesign.io Software enhances your practice with the freedom of choice. For routine restorative cases, you can scan, design and mill in office. If you determine that the restoration requires the expertise of a dental technician, you can digitally submit the case to Glidewell Dental at any point in the process for completion.

Communicate Directly with the Experts

Glidewell Dental has spent more than a decade working with dental design software and other CAD/CAM technologies. The fastdesign.io Software links you to the company’s California-based support team, meaning the answer to all of your questions is just one click or one call away.

fastdesign.io Software​ Overview​